Thursday, July 19, 2012

Nice articles on TCP

s3cmd stupidity

Lots of stupidities in s3cmd, like the following:

If you miss the trailing slash in the directory names, s3cmd will ignore --skip-existing and will also not compare files using MD5 :( Here's the command that works:

$ s3cmd sync -v --delete-removed --skip-existing --rexclude=.* --rinclude .*localhost_access_log.2012-0[6-9].* s3://brp-logs/selfserve/ logs/

Sunday, June 3, 2012


-st / -sf hot reconfiguration params only work in daemon mode (so specify -D)

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Friday, April 6, 2012

Blogger emoticons

Jdk source code

Here's the jdk source, linked from OpenJDK page
I wish they had made a source jar for it.

NOTE: Do not trust mac to extract this .tar.gz correctly. It extracts it as a .cpgz file which then recursively produces another .tar.gz -_-
Use tar -xvzf

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Reflow reduction

Interesting applications of webkit

I just figured out a reflow reducing technique. Needs a headless browser which gives access to DOM and render tree though, so i thought i'd try something that is open sourced:

And look what i ran into :)

Seems pretty neat, i'm going to try this over the weekend.

Edit: CasperJs seems to be a wrapper on top of PhantomJs :)

Helo World

My first post, helo world.